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Warning: Not Suitable for Robots: A Human-Centric Game Design Approach

Bhéreur-Lagounaris, Alexia. "Warning: Not Suitable for Robots: A Human-Centric Game Design Approach". Mixed Reality and Games: Theoretical and Practical Approaches in Game Studies and Education, edited by Emir Bektic, Daniela Bruns, Sonja Gabriel, Florian Kelle, Gerhard Pölsterl and Felix Schniz, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2020, pp. 33-48.

Levelling Up: The Cultural Impact of Contemporary Videogames- ebook

Kuhn, B., & Bhéreur-Lagounaris, A. (Eds.). (04 Jan. 2019). Levelling Up: The Cultural Impact of Contemporary Videogames. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill:

Is Citizen Science Gaming the Next ‘Level Up’ for Social Impact Games? Crossing Public Involvement, Technological Accessibility and Game Design

The challenges of a humanizing gamification of public spaces or the links between Pokémon Go and urban laboratories

(unpublished article) Bhéreur-Lagounaris, Alexia. (2017). The stakes of a humanizing gamification of public spaces or the links between Pokémon Go and urban laboratories. Chapter 3 of the memoir: Games with a social impact. Montreal university.

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